District 4B Representative Paul Marquart Announces He Won’t Seek Reelection this Fall

District 4B Representative Paul Marquart Announces He Won’t Seek Reelection this Fall

January 12, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Dilworth, MN — District 4B Representative Paul Marquart announced today that he won’t be seeking reelection this year, capping an end to more than 20 years in the Minnesota House of Representatives. He shared the announcement to his followers on Facebook with the following message:

I would like to inform my constituents that I will not be running in 2022 for re-election to the Minnesota House of Representatives. Thank you so much for giving me the high honor and privilege to serve you in St. Paul. I have thoroughly enjoyed and valued serving my community and state for the past 35 years. At 65, it’s time for new things and to spend more time with my family and those fun grandchildren.I have always cherished representing rural Minnesota and working to make things better and that will forever be in my blood. There is still much important work to do during this upcoming legislative session and I also plan to continue teaching at DGF.The most enjoyable part of being a legislator was going door-to-door and meeting and visiting with all of you. I truly value the friendships and conversations I had with a lot of wonderful people in the district. Thank you to my family, my students and my constituents for giving me this wonderful opportunity to serve.

Representative Marquart also joined R & J News Director Mark Askelson this morning to further discuss his announcement. Listen to that conservation below: