DNR accepting applications for several fisheries, wildlife advisory committees

Minnesotans can apply online through Sept. 16 to serve on several committees that advise the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources about fisheries and wildlife topics.
The DNR is seeking applicants to fill open seats on the Deer Advisory Committee, the Mille Lacs Fisheries Advisory Committee, the Minnesota R3 Council (R3 stands for recruiting, retaining and reactivating hunters and anglers), and the state’s five fisheries work groups (bass, catfish, northern pike and muskellunge, panfish, and walleye).
Members will serve two- to three-year terms and must commit to attending at least three of the four videoconference meetings each committee has annually. Detailed committee and application information for each group is available on the DNR website:
- Deer Advisory Committee (mndnr.gov/Mammals/Deer/Management/Deer-Advisory-Committee.html)
- MLFAC (mndnr.gov/Millelacslake/MLFAC.html)
- R3 Council (mndnr.gov/R3/Council)
- Fisheries work groups (mndnr.gov/FishGroups).
Each committee has a statewide focus. People of all backgrounds and geographical locations are encouraged to apply. Members will be selected with special emphasis on diversity in experience, expertise, geography and demographics.
The DNR will be seeking applicants for other advisory groups in the future. More information these groups and future opportunities is available on the advisory group page of the DNR website (mndnr.gov/Advisory-Groups).
Deer Advisory Committee DNR fisheries advisory committee Mille Lacs Fisheries Advisory Committee Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Minnesota R3 Council MN DNR wildlife advisory committee