DNR Conservation Officer Reports – District 10 (Mille Lacs area)

District 10 – Mille Lacs area
Last updated: 2022-09-19
CO Gregory Verkuilen (Garrison) checked lake activity and found boats and docks were starting to come out for the season. As more hunting seasons opened up, questions came in about land use and legal hunting ages. Verkuilen also attended some training and followed up on complaints.
CO Victoria Griffith (Isle) spent time checking big and small game hunters. Success was slow. ATV and angling activity was also monitored. Assistance was given at a firearm safety class.
CO Nate Benkofske (McGregor) reported checking hunters and ATV riders in the area. Enforcement was taken for taking woodcock out of season, transporting loaded firearms, trespassing, and no helmets on youth ATV passengers. Benkofske also assisted on a case of taking geese without an early goose permit and taking geese with unplugged guns.
CO Dan Starr (Onamia) spent time working waterfowl, fishing, and ATV activities. Bear hunting continued, despite there being an abundance of acorns dropping. Enforcement was taken for ATV registration, extra lines, and illegal use of motorboat use in a closed area. Archery hunters were found having success on the opening weekend of bow hunting.
Malmo vacant.
Conservation Officer Reports DNR Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Minnesota DNR MN DNR