Fort Frances Sports Hall of Fame Deadline for Nominations is October 15, 2024

Fort Frances Sports Hall of Fame Deadline for Nominations is October 15, 2024

September 16, 2024 --- School News - KSDM/KGHS News -- KSDM-KGHS Sports News 0

October 15 is the deadline for nominations for the Fort Frances Sports Hall of Fame’s next induction ceremony to be held August 9, 2025. Nominations that were submitted for the 2019 and 2022 events but were not selected will also be considered for induction in 2025. 

Nominations are made by the general public through an open nomination process. The Hall of Fame Committee itself does not nominate athletes, builders or teams. The final list of inductees is determined by the Selection Committee through a defined scoring process. 

Download a nomination form and Hall of Fame criteria from the Fort Frances Sports Hall of Fame Facebook page or pick up a nomination form at; Westland Insurance, West End Motors, Taggs Source for Sports, Seven Generations Educational Institute, La Place Rendezvous and The Memorial Sports Centre. 

More than 200 guests attended the event in 2022 including Honoured Member alumni, and the families, friends and former team mates of the new Inductees. 

The Fort Frances Sports Hall of Fame was founded in 2012 with a mission to preserve and honour the area’s rich and proud sports heritage. Since the inaugural induction event in 2015, 14 athletes, 19 builders and 9 teams have been honoured for their outstanding accomplishments and contributions to a wide variety of sports. There are many sports with incredible athletes, teams and builders of sport that are underrepresented in the Hall of Fame including but not limited to basketball, bowling, figure skating, golf, gymnastics, soccer, softball, skeet shooting, squash, swimming, track and field, volleyball, and wrestling.

Inductee plaques may be viewed on the Hall of Fame Facebook page and in the lobby of the Memorial Sports Centre 740 Scott Street. The Hall of Fame is grateful to local craftsman Stan Blasky who built the display cabinets and to the Ice for Kids Committee who paid for them.