FSA Reminders 

FSA Reminders 

September 16, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Norman County FSA Officer James Kruize was a guest on the KRJB Kaleidoscope Program last week, and he is reminding producers about some deadlines, and programs available to producers across the Red River Valley. For those planning on doing a fall seed crop, Kruize reminds producers to submit their acreage reports.

Kruize also reminds producers with post harvest project plans to make sure they’re in compliance with land conservation rules, and to submit their projects to their local watershed. 

Finally Kruize encourages producers interested in enrolling in continuous CRP programs to reach out to their local FSA office. 

The full conversation with James Kruize can be heard online at rjbroadcasting.com under the Kaleidoscope program.