Grass fed or grain fed beef? Which is better and what’s the difference? 

Grass fed or grain fed beef? Which is better and what’s the difference? 

July 9, 2024 Farm News News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

When you go to the grocery store to purchase hamburger you will often see the term “grass fed beef” or “grain fed beef” on the label. For many not in the cattle business the difference between the two is unknown and they don’t know which is better. Minnesota Beef Council Research Chairman John Schafer explains which option you should choose and what the differences between the two are. 

Schafer says there can also be a major difference between the two depending on how long the beef was aged before processing. 

Schafer was a guest on the KRJB Farm and Field Show which airs every Wednesday from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM on KRJB 106.5 FM.