Halloween Safety Reminders

Halloween Safety Reminders

October 31, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Ada, MN — Halloween is intended to be a fun and spooky occasion for youth and adults, but the last thing it needs to be is tragic. The Ada Police Department is asking young trick or treaters to always be careful when crossing streets and entering traffic. Police Chief Hager notes that some responsibility also falls on parents and motorists to slow down and pay attention as well.

Chief Hager also encourages kids who are out trick-or-treating that if you see their squad car stopped somewhere to please stop by and show off your costume for some treats.

And the weather should be favorable this year with temps in the 40s and 50s during the trick or treat time.

A few other Halloween safety tips from our friends at Essentia Health:

  • Accompany young children on their pursuit of treats. If older children are going out on their own, discuss and know the route, agree on a specific time they should return home and equip everyone with flashlights or glow sticks.
  • Only go to well-lit homes and stay on well-lit sidewalks to avoid pedestrian injuries — the most common injury to children on Halloween.
  • Never enter a home or car for a treat. Notify law enforcement immediately about any suspicious activity.
  • Youngsters should stay in a group and have a cellphone for quick communication.
  • Cross streets only at crosswalks, corners or other designated areas.
  • Wear costumes that fit appropriately (to avoid tripping) and are bright and reflective, especially if your plans include being outside after dark. Reflective tape is a great way to enhance visibility.
  • Avoid sharp or long swords, canes or sticks as costume accessories.
  • Consider non-toxic makeup and decorative hats as safer alternatives to masks; toxic ingredients have been found in cosmetics marketed to teens and tweens.
  • Wait until you’re home to eat any treats so that you can properly sort and inspect them. Adults should closely examine all treats and throw away spoiled, unwrapped or suspicious items. Be mindful of babies and toddlers, who shouldn’t have hard candies or any other items that could be a hazard.
  • Before digging into their goodies, children should thoroughly wash their hands.