Isle City Council meeting from April 11th

Isle City Council meeting from April 11th

April 18, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

By Paul Vold (4/18/22)

(Isle, MN) — The Isle City Council meeting from Tuesday, April 11th covered the many works and updates from the City Engineer and soon-to-be reopening of the On-Sale portion of the Municipal Liquor Store.

We chatted with Isle City Clerk Jamie Hubbell about the meeting which also included progress on the City’s DMV business and the Auditors Agreement Letter.

Public Hearings were held on another VRBO property, Land Split & Subdivide, and the Zoning Map Amendment.

The Police Department is preparing for a family-friendly event at Isle Bowl & Pizza.

The City Engineer also gave updates on the numerous projects that are either running currently or lie ahead.

Unfinished business included Tax Amendment Review for the Lodging Tax Ordinance and the reopening of the On-Sale portion of the Municipal Liquor Store.

Approval was given for the Gambling Permit Proposals from the Lions and Mille Lacs Drift Skippers, along with a permit renewal for Pojanowski Aggregate and donations from local organizations.

The Isle City Council is next scheduled to meet on Tuesday, May 10th at 6pm from the City Hall Council Chambers.

Hear our full conversation with Isle City Clerk Jamie Hubbell here: