Lakes Area Legislators Speak at Brainerd Chamber’s Eggs and Issues

Lakes Area Legislators Speak at Brainerd Chamber’s Eggs and Issues

March 28, 2022 News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

(BRAINERD, MN) — The Brainerd Chamber hosted its first in-person Eggs and Issues event in two years on Friday, March 25. Chief among the topics discussed at the event were redistricting, the state’s $9.3 billion budget surplus, and the unemployment insurance (UI) trust fund. State Senators Paul Gazelka and Carrie Ruud and District Representatives Josh Heintzeman, Dale Lueck, and John Poston were the five officials who spoke at the event. We chatted one-on-one with Gazelka and Heintzeman to get their perspectives on some of these issues.

On the topic of the budget surplus, Heintzeman had this to say…

Senator Gazelka echoed those sentiments and added what the state can do to, in the words of fellow senator Carrie Ruud, “pay its bills”…

On the UI trust fund, Heintzeman noted a recent proposal that he voted against and what’s to be expected in the near future…

Gazelka largely agreed and mentioned the senate’s passage of a proposal about a month ago…

Our full conversations with Heintzeman and Gazelka can be found below.