Lakes Area United Way announces Llama-Llama-Read-O-Rama details

Lakes Area United Way announces Llama-Llama-Read-O-Rama details

May 17, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

The Lakes Area United Way are finishing the major details of their annual Llama-Llama-Read-O-Rama event which is set to take place Saturday, July 16th from the Serenity Now Alpaca Farm in Pine River.

In our monthly update with LAUW Executive Director Jonathan Aga (Ag-gah) says the Read-O-Rama event comes from the group’s initiative with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.

The Serenity Now Alpaca Farm was also gracious enough to host the Read-O-Rama event again.

Festivities will be highlighted by local celebrity readers to the children who attend and entertainment for all.

Don’t worry about packing a lunch for the family, the Lakes Area United Way and their partners have that taken care of.

Learn more about the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, the Llama-Llama-Read-O-Rama, and other Lakes Area United Way projects and events by going to You can also hear our full conversation with Jonathan Aga by going to the Wake the Lakes page at