Law Enforcement Spotlight: Sgt Ben Stout (Polk County Sheriff’s Office) 

Law Enforcement Spotlight: Sgt Ben Stout (Polk County Sheriff’s Office) 

March 10, 2025 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Over the next year R&J News will be speaking with area law enforcement officers with the goal of getting to know them better. Next up on our Law Enforcement Spotlight is Sgt. Ben Stout of the Polk County Sheriff’s Office. Sgt Stout first tells us more about his Law Enforcement Background, and why he went into law enforcement. 

Stout also has a partner K9 Rex, and he tells us more about Rex, and why he wanted to be a K9 handler. 

Departments across the United States are currently facing shortages of law enforcement officers, and they are always looking for people to get into the profession. Stout says he “definitely would” recommend a career in law enforcement, and he explains why. 

Full conversation with Sgt. Stout: