McGregor Schools building expansion coming together after early stalls

McGregor Schools building expansion coming together after early stalls

March 8, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI Wake the Lakes 0

By Paul Vold (3/9/22)

(McGregor, MN) — Changes are coming to the look of the McGregor School District with their Referendum building project that has already had its share of stops and starts from the beginning of the 2021-22 School Year.

In a conversation with McGregor Elementary Principal and Superintendent Brad Johnson, the initial progress of the expansion was slowed by material needs.

Once the bricks of the outer layer of the building are put in this spring, indoor work this summer will also have plenty to offer.

Some of the indoor expansion and changes include giving students more room in the Commons area.

A secure Entry for hte High School Office will also be an added feature for the expansion.

Other additions will be an expanded library and movement from the nurses office.

Much more our conversation with McGregor Superintendent Brad Johnson can be heard with this story here: