McGregor Superintendent updates Building Project

McGregor Superintendent updates Building Project

April 10, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

By Paul Vold (4/11/22)

(McGregor, MN) — Projects lie ahead but the additions to the McGregor School District building are starting to take shape after hearing from McGregor Elementary Principal and Superintendent Brad Johnson.

Outer work is nearing the tail end of the project with concrete being laid and bricks being put in place.

Even as the addition finishes, renovations and remodeling in different parts of the School building will also keep the Summer very active.

Everything with the timeline for finishing the project is running on schedule with extra days planned in the event of setbacks.

Some classrooms and offices will be relocated as part of the renovations in preparation for the Fall.

Superintendent Johnson spoke more about the future of the Fitness Center, the Activity Bus, budgetary concerns, MCA testing, and more with our full conversation that can be found here: