Mn. House Approves Legislation Supporting Safety, Health and Economic Security of Workers

Mn. House Approves Legislation Supporting Safety, Health and Economic Security of Workers

March 29, 2022 News News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Minnesota House has approved a sweeping package of safety protections for workers at Minnesota warehouses, including at Amazon facilities. Additionally, lawmakers approved legislation guaranteeing Earned Sick and Safe Time for all Minnesota workers.

The House approved legislation authored by Rep. Emma Greenman to address practices that have led to high injury rates at Amazon facilities.

According to a National Employment Law Project report one of nine workers at Amazon warehouses in Minnesota is injured on the job. This annual injury rate is four times the injury rate for all workers in private industry, and more than double that of non-Amazon warehouses in the state.

The House also approved legislation authored by Rep. Liz Olson to require Minnesota employers to provide workers Earned Sick and Safe Time.

The legislation would ensure, at a minimum, one hour of paid Earned Sick and Safe Time for every 30 hours worked, up to at least 48 hours per year. Upwards of 900,000 Minnesota workers, including two-thirds of workers in the lowest wage positions, lack access to paid time off when they or a family member are ill or need to go to a doctor’s appointment.

Sixteen states have adopted similar policies guaranteeing paid sick leave for workers.