MnDOT ending all spring load limits

MnDOT ending all spring load limits

May 3, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

By Paul Vold (5/3/22)

(Minnesota) — The Minnesota Department of Transportation will be ending spring load limits in various frost zones throughout the State.

Restrictions in the central frost zone will end on Friday, May 13th at 12:01am; and the north-central and north frost zones will be ending on Monday, May 16th at 12:01am.

MnDOT also reminds people to check with local agencies prior to increasing any weights on their routes. The sign erected on the roadway governs the load limit in effect.

Overweight permits for more than 80,000 pound gross vehicle weight will continue and new permits will be issued if all axle and group weights are legal.

Full-summer overweight permits can be issued, during the spring load restriction, for travel on the interstate strength.

Much more information can be found on the Load Limits page on the MnDOT website.