ND School Board Filing Deadline Approaching

ND School Board Filing Deadline Approaching

March 24, 2025 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

North Dakota school boards will be holding elections on June 10. And there’s not much time left to file as a candidate for those elections.   If you’re interested in running for a seat on your local North Dakota school board, the deadline to file is 4pm on April 7.  

In Hillsboro, there’s one at large seat with a three year term—that seat is currently held by Tim Kozojed.  

In the Central Valley School District, there are three board elections for a three year term: Jeremy Billings is the incumbent in Area 2, which covers the City of Buxton; David Knudsvig is the incumbent in Area 3, which covers Buxton Township and parts of Union and Morgan Townships; and Josh Ensign currently holds the seat for Area 5 covering Bingham and Belmont Townships.

And the MayPort-CG School District will have three spots on the ballot.  One of them is a currently vacant seat to represent the City of Portland.  Another is for the City of Mayville, currently held by Greg Mostad.  And the seat covering Rural Portland and Viking, Enger, Golden Lake, Primrose, Roseville and Sherbrooke Townships; that’s currently held by Lori Nelson. 

For more information on the necessary paperwork to run for your local North Dakota school board, contact your school district’s business office.