NFWP: Halstad Fire Department Reminds of Heating Season Dangers

NFWP: Halstad Fire Department Reminds of Heating Season Dangers

October 11, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Halstad, MN — As we continue our coverage of National Fire Prevention Week, Michael Baer with the Halstad Fire Department joined R & J News to talk about the fire dangers that arise as we turn up the heat this fall. From space heaters to chimneys, Baer says there are a number of things we need to be cautious about.

Carbon Monoxide poisoning poses a real threat during the heating season as it can come from a number of sources and is difficult to detect. Baer says that’s why having a carbon monoxide detector is so crucial.

And because the weather has been so favorable this fall, many people are taking advantage and enjoying some late-season campfires or burning brush. Baer reminds folks that because of how dry it is to make sure to have a way to extinguish your fires at the ready.

The Halstad Fire Department welcomes all to their open house this Wednesday, October 12th from 5:30 to 7pm where they will be serving up hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, cheesy hashbrowns, chips, and ice cream. 

Listen to the full interview with Michael Baer below: