Norman County 4-H Wraps up Livestock Shows

Norman County 4-H Wraps up Livestock Shows

June 25, 2023 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Norman County 4-H chapter wrapped up their livestock shows this Saturday morning with the rabbit and poultry show. According to Norman County 4-H Extension Educator Linda Houglum the 4-H events went off without a hitch and no major problems.

Even though heavy rainfall did occur at the fair on Friday and Saturday all the events being put on by the Norman County 4-H were able to continue during their scheduled times without cancellation.

Houglum also wanted to give a thanks to everyone who was involved and helped out with 4-H during the fair. 

Houglum also took the time to explain why she finds an organization like 4-H important and why she loves working with them.

A full compilation of interviews with 4-Hers who participated in activities during the fair can be found on the YouTube page under the 4-H Spotlight.