North County Food Bank Hosting Mobile Food Drop in Ada on Wednesday

North County Food Bank Hosting Mobile Food Drop in Ada on Wednesday

June 28, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Ada, MN — The North Country Food Bank in conjunction with the Valley Food Shelf will be hosting a series of mobile food drops this summer in Ada with the next one taking place this Wednesday, June 29th from 11am until noon at the Norman County Fairgrounds. With prices at the grocery store going up along with everything else, North Country Food Bank Executive Director Suzie Boelter says it has been creating a lot of food insecurity lately and to no surprise they are seeing attendance at these food drops steadily increasing.

What comes on the truck at the mobile food drops will vary from event to event, but Boelter anticipates there to by many quality items delivered at this Wednesday’s drop in Ada.

Boelter adds that how the North Country Food Bank gets their food depends on what companies and producers are willing to donate and what they can afford to purchase.

The mobile food drop should be quick and easy to participate in, according to Boelter. Anyone who could use the support is welcome to attend.

The North Country Food Bank mobile food drop will take place this Wednesday, June 29th from 11am until noon at the Norman County Fairgrounds in Ada. Volunteers are also welcomed.