Patience Growing Thin For Farmers in the Red River Valley Waiting to Begin Planting

Patience Growing Thin For Farmers in the Red River Valley Waiting to Begin Planting

May 12, 2022 Farm News News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Ada, MN — Patience is growing thin for farmers in the Red River Valley as they wait for fields to finally dry up enough to begin their spring planting. During our Farm and Field Program on Wednesday afternoon, we spoke with Neil Rockstad, who plants wheat, soybeans, and sugarbeets in the Ada area. Rockstad says they will remain patient for now, but it will soon be getting to the point where farmers will be risking digging tractors out of the mud to get the growing process started.

Neil says they plan to stick to their original plans for rotation at the moment, but producers are looking into options such as different seed varieties and prevent plant, which is the last thing they want when markets are as favorable as they are.

As soon as it is dry enough to plant, farmers will be planting, but in the meantime Rockstad notes that they still find ways to stay busy around the farm to pass the time.

The Farm and Field Show is heard Wednesdays from 2-5pm on 106.5 KRJB. Listen back to interviews from this past week on our website, Click on “News” and “Farm News” or search Farm and Field.