Season Update: Bordertown Blaze

Last Friday, I had Sidney Lindahl-Slatinski, Adrianne Sheasby, and Coach Kershaw himself in the studio to talk about this 2024 summer softball season and how it is going as they approach the later half of the season.
I also got to learn something interesting about Sidney in the interview when asking their favorite moment from the season.

Coach Kershaw also made emphasis that for a majority of the season, he tries to keep a specific game schedule for his team.
So who have been some of the players who stepped up to lead the team this season? >>99134b<<

Adrianne was also a big part of recruitment for the Blaze as Coach Kershaw tells me after I ask about hopeful improvements they plan on making.
I then asked Adrienne a little more about her recruitment tactics.

That hockey connection is also how they recruited the girl Rock Ridge players on the Blaze.
It was also fun asked Adrienne her favorite and least favorite position to play out on the field.

I then asked about the biggest challenges faced with being moved to different positions, which was followed by positive affirmations from Coach Kershaw.
Sidney also talks about the support from the dugout and how it helps her keep a positive mindset.
Lastly, Coach Kershaw gives a special thank you to the sponsors of the Bordertown Blaze.
Good Luck Bordertown Blaze!