Special Master Appointed In Leiting vs Fertile Lawsuit

Special Master Appointed In Leiting vs Fertile Lawsuit

September 12, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Here’s an update to a story R&J News has been following.  A special master has been appointed in the lawsuit between former Fair Meadow Nursing Home administrator Angie Leiting and the City of Fertile, Mayor Dan Wilkens and Fair Meadow–which is owned by the City of Fertile.  You’ll remember a year ago, Leiting sued the group over her forced resignation as administrator.  Polk County Judge Ann Rasmusson has ruled that there are disputes over discovery that the two sides can’t resolve without outside assistance.  So she has appointed Retired Judge Gerald Seibel as a special master to supervise matters related to discovery.  Judge Rasmusson says the special master will save all parties “significant time and attorneys fees.”  The cost for Judge Seibel’s services will be $250 per hour and for now, the cost will be split equally between the two sides.  R&J News will continue to follow this story.