Starry Starry Night Theme of Clearbrook-Gonvick Prom

Starry Starry Night Theme of Clearbrook-Gonvick Prom

April 19, 2022 News News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Clearbrook-Gonvick juniors and seniors with be dancing under the stars at their 2022 prom. Their prom is set for Saturday, April 23rd with the theme is A Starry Starry Night. The Grand March begins at 8:00 pm. Junior Kjersti Snyder explains the fitting theme.

Everyone is excited for the return of a more normal prom experience after covid disruptions during the last couple of years.

All are welcome to the Grand March at 8:00 pm on Saturday, April 23rd. There is no charge for admittance but free will donations are appreciated.