Dekko Center Update
Plans for the Dekko Center Project continue to move along and the City of Ada may have some good news coming soon. Ada City Administrator Ashley Larson says the City recently met with the Dekko Foundation regarding a potential grant for the project. Larson says if their grant application is accepted by the Dekko Foundation,…
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ABW Career Exploration Day
Recently, Ada-Borup-West High School held a career exploration day for the sophomore class. Ada-Borup-West Counselor Allie Lien talks about the event. Katie Vasey, a community health specialist with Essentia Health, suggested the idea of a career day to Lien and says the experience was an eye-opener for the students. Several other Ada area businesses were…
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Ada City Council approves bond and bids for Dekko Center Project
The Ada City Council approved a $900,000 bond and construction bids for the Dekko Center Renovation at their City Council meeting on Tuesday night. Ada City Administrator Ashley Larson recaps what was decided. Larson says the council also allowed her to move forward in the pursuit of an LED street light grant through the Northwest…
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City of Ada to crack down on blight
Ada, MN — Blight letters from the city of Ada went out recently as the city looks to crack down on some unsightly yards. Ada Police Chief Steve Hager has more on the response. If you did receive a blight letter, it’s asked that you take action before action is taken by local law enforcement.
Ada Event Center Update
It’s been over a month since the Ada Event Center was forced to close due to structural issues to the building. Ada Administrator Ashley Larson was Tuesday’s Kaleidoscope guest and gave an update on where things stand with the insurance assessment on the building. Larson says despite the lack of news on the building, they…
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Ada City Council discusses Dekko Center project
The Ada City Council met Tuesday night for their regular monthly Meeting. The Dekko Community Center rehab project update was presented with the council seeing the quotes for the project of approximately $800,000. Ada mayor John Hintz tells us more. R&J News asked Mayor Hintz about the status of the pool pack that has been…
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Ada Event Center Update
A couple weeks ago the Ada Event Center and Main Street Bar were forced to close after being deemed unsafe for use by a building inspector. Since then the city is in the process of figuring out a plan to get the building back up and running. Brian Rasmussen of Ada Public Works gives an…
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