Traill County Historical Society Hosting Fall Festival
Hillsboro, ND — The Traill County Historical Society invites all to their annual Fall Festival this Saturday, September 24th at Heritage Park in Hillsboro. Attendees can do some shopping at the vendor fair, check out the antique car and farm equipment display, enjoy lunch, listen to music, and bring the kids for games and demonstrations. One of the big attractions this year, according to Curator Lee Ann Beck, is the opportunity to get an old-time “Tintype” photo from award winning photographer Kevin Martini-Fuller, whose photography background is directly tied to the Hillsboro community.
Call 701-636-5371 to book an appointment. Again, the photos are $60, but all the proceeds go back to the Traill County Historical Society, which is using the funds to cover costs of restoring the roof on the Plummer House.
The vendor show will run from 10am until 3pm and there will also be a pulled pork lunch starting 11am, along with lefsa from 10am until 11:30am. Beck encourages families to bring the kids for some fun games and demonstrations as well.
The Trail County Historical Society Fall Festival wraps this Saturday with the Old Fashioned Gospel Hour 2pm. For more information, including a list of the vendors, visit their Facebook page.
Listen to the full interview with Lee Ann Beck with the Traill County Historical Society below: