Twin Valley City Council meets in special session

Twin Valley City Council meets in special session

May 22, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Twin Valley City Council held a special meeting on Monday night. The big topic of the night was the annexation request the council received before their meeting last week. The land that would be annexed will be the home to the new Dollar General store and is across the street from the Twin Valley Liquor Store. Twin Valley City Clerk Rachel Johnson recaps what was decided by the council and the next steps moving forward. 

Johnson says the council also went over the 2023 city audit and she explains how that went. 

Finally Johnson says there was also a discussion about dilapidated properties and the creation of a community fund. 

The Twin Valley CIty Council will meet next on Monday, June 10 and again on Monday June 24 for a public hearing.