U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar Visits with City & Business Leaders in Ada

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar Visits with City & Business Leaders in Ada

January 10, 2023 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0
Senator Amy Klobuchar and staff visit with business and community leaders at West Main Pizza in Ada on Tuesday afternoon. Photo by Mark Askelson of R & J News.

Ada, MN — United States Senator Amy Klobuchar traveled to northwest Minnesota on Tuesday, including a stop at West Main Pizza in Ada where she met with city and business leaders about the issues they are facing in the community. Speaking with R & J News following the meeting, Senator Klobuchar says she likes hearing directly from the people about the challenges they are facing, which include childcare, workforce shortages, and housing.

Senator Klobuchar adds that the problems brought up during the meeting were certainly not unique to this part of the state.

Senate Democrats face some additional hurdles this time around with the House now being controlled by Republicans. Klobuchar says its important that they work together to solve the problems that Americans are facing.

Senator Klobuchar also announced during her visit that she is now next in-line to be the Chair of the Senate Ag Committee when Senator Stabenow steps down in a couple years.