Water Drainage management a major focus at Hanson Farms Plot Tour 

Water Drainage management a major focus at Hanson Farms Plot Tour 

August 30, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

R&J Ag Reporter Nick Revier was in attendance at the Corey Hanson Farm plot tour on Wednesday, and was able to catch up with presenter and drainage expert Lyndsey Pease who told us more about her presentation and what she’s working on. 

There have been concerns brought up regarding potential drainage contaminating water sources with crop nutrients, and Pease says that they’ve been conducting studies on this potential issue. She also shares what those studies have shown so far. 

Lyndsey Pease was a guest on the KRJB Farm and Field Show. To listen back to the interview go to the Farm News webpage at rjbroadcasting.com.