Wild deer found with CWD in Grand Rapids

By Paul Vold kkin@rjbroadcasting.com (3/24/22)
(Grand Rapids, MN) — The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is responding to the discovery of a wild white tailed deer infected with Chronic Wasting Disease within the City of Grand Rapids.
With this discovery, the DNR is also taking steps to update their response plan that will better reflect a statewide approach to disease surveillance, management, control, and education. The agency is working with local road authorities to collect samples from road-killed deer and is exploring opportunities for targeted culling where it can be performed safely.
The DNR will also be seeking the public’s input as it explores and implements the ideas above and other options for enhanced statewide surveillance including updating the DNR’s CWD response plan this Spring, investigating options for hunters to use a self-mailing kit for free testing statewide, expanding the taxidermist network (Partner Sampling Program) statewide, and upgrading and improving current design for self-service stations.
More information about CWD and what the DNR is doing to limit disease spread and protect the health of Minnesota’s white tailed deer is available on the DNR’s website.