EBooks Minnesota

EBooks Minnesota

February 3, 2025 --- School News - KSDM/KGHS News News -- KSDM-KGHS 0

Minnesota’s statewide ebook collection for readers of all ages

Did you know you have access to eBooks through Ebooks Minnesota? The online eBook collection is for all Minnesotans and provides access to quality books for all ages. Ebooks Minnesota has no limit to the number of books that can be checked out at a time!

Ebooks Minnesota is an online ebook collection for all Minnesotans. The collection covers a wide variety of subjects, both fiction and non-fiction, for readers of all ages, and includes content from our state’s independent publishers, as well as national and international publishers.  A sub-set of Ebooks Minnesota, Ebooks MN for Schools, contains ebooks aimed at grades K-8 and does not include any high school or adult content.

Ebooks Minnesota uses MackinVIA as its platform for searching, viewing, reading, and downloading ebooks.  MackinVIA can be used on any desktop, laptop, or mobile device with Internet access.  Access Mackins Privacy Policy relating to student and user information and data.

Ebooks Minnesota is a joint project of Minitex and the Minnesota Department of Education, State Library Services. The collection was made possible in part by funding from the Minnesota Department of Education through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contact your local public or school library to find even more great ebooks.