CRMC visitor policy updated

CRMC visitor policy updated

February 7, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0


Cuyuna Regional Medical Center recently updated its visitor guidelines to allow a loved one to be present in its Emergency Department to hopefully positively impact patient recovery.

“Restrictions have been in place for many months and it has taken a toll on our patients and their families,” said Critical Care Nursing Director Stephanie Nelson, R.N. “We know that having a loved one present can have a positive effect on a patients’ health outcomes. So often the patient does not recall or understand education and instructions–this is where a loved one can help. Many times, patients are scared and anxious, and this is increased when they are alone. Our goal is to ease our patient’s pain and anxiety.”

Only one visitor will be allowed per patient in the Emergency Department, except for pediatric patients who may have both parents or guardians present. Only the one, same visitor will be allowed for the duration of the patient’s stay, the visitor cannot be alternated with another person.  To protect patients, family, and staff, visitors must always wear a face mask and follow social distancing guidelines. Visitors must clean their hands often and use hand sanitizer or soap when entering and before leaving the patient room. Visitor policies may change dependent upon where the patient is located and his or her current care needs. Visitors must leave the facility when asked.

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