City of Crosby seeking public input on Hallett Library, among other topics with Administrator Matthew Hill

City of Crosby seeking public input on Hallett Library, among other topics with Administrator Matthew Hill

June 27, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

By Paul Vold (6/27/22)

(Crosby, MN) — The City of Crosby will be seeking the community’s input on funding for Jessie F. Hallett Library while also hearing updates on City Projects covered our conversation with Crosby City Administrator Matthew Hill.

Hill did talk about the opening of the new SuperOne Foods store and the traffic impacts since its opening earlier this month.

Projects like the SuperOne Foods Store have also seen actions from the City’s Economic Development Committee, which continues to look for ways to establish more housing for the City of Crosby.

With more of the immediate needs for the City of Crosby relating to the Street Improvement Project, bids for projects have been pushed to next spring due to procurement issues with developers. 

The June 27th Crosby City Council meeting will open the door for Crosby residents to give their opinion on a potential funding request for the Hallett Library.

The Crosby City Council meets Monday night at 6pm from the City Hall Council Chambers. Much more of our conversation with Crosby City Administrator Matthew Hill is available on the Wake The Lakes page at