Ada City Administrator Advises Residents to Start Preparing for Clean-Up Week
Ada, MN — The City of Ada will be hosting their annual Spring Clean Up next week, May 5th, 6th, and 7th in the Old City Hall parking lot next to the Ada Fire Hall. Through a cooperative effort of the city, area businesses, and organizations, residents will be able to dispose of their unwanted and accumulated items, junk or debris at little or no cost. How you dispose of those items will vary, as some items will not be accepted at the collection site in town. Residents should have received a packet in the mail that provides information on how to do that and Ada City Administrator Ashley Larson encourages them to look it over.
Larson notes that you can also find detailed information about the annual pet clinic scheduled for June 2nd and boulevard tree program in that clean-up week informational packet as well.
If you have not received a Clean-Up Week brochure, it is available on the city website, and is linked to the City of Ada Facebook page. For questions, please contact Ada City Hall at 218-784-5520.