Adult Prom! No Kids Allowed!

Adult Prom! No Kids Allowed!

May 22, 2024 News News -- KSDM-KGHS 0

If you wanna re-experience the Prom after becoming an adult then there’s an opportunity waiting for you this Saturday May, 25th! The Do You night club is presenting “Starry Night” an Adult Prom for those ages 21+. I got to talk to Andrew Hanegmon, the owner of The Do You LLC, about this awesome event.

I then asked him if this was a first-time event at the club.

Andrew was then asked if an adult prom was his idea.

It was also the staff who came up with the idea for the theme “Starry Night”.

So I just had to ask if there was gonna be a Prom King and Queen.

What else can be expected at the Adult Prom?

I then asked him what his staff and himself are most looking forward too.

Andrew was then asked what else was there to know about Adult Prom.

So brush off your prom attire and head over to The Do You LLC in Hibbing for “Starry Night” 21+ Adult Prom on Saturday May, 25th @8pm.