Apply for turkey permits in Mille Lacs, Carlos Avery or Whitewater WMAs

Turkey hunters who want to take part in the spring hunting seasons have until the end of business today to apply for turkey hunting permits. The permits, along with a turkey license, are required for hunters over 18 to take part in the early spring season.the permits are good for the A-C spring hunting season in Mille Lacs and Carlos Avery wildlife management areas & the A-B seasons in Whitewater WMA. These are firearm hunts, and the permits are distributed by lottery. There is no permit required to hunt Whitewater during C season this year, which is a change from previous years. All the details are on the MNDNR website.
Turkey hunters have through Friday, Feb. 17, to apply for turkey hunting permits for the A-C spring hunting seasons in Mille Lacs and Carlos Avery WMAs and the A-B seasons in Whitewater WMA.
In addition to a turkey license, a permit is required for hunters 18 and older hoping to bag a tom turkey with a firearm in one of these WMAs during early seasons. Turkey firearm permits for these WMAs are distributed via a lottery system. In a change this year, there is no permit required to hunt Whitewater WMA during the C season.
Turkey licenses will go on sale March 1 for several hunting seasons from mid-April to the end of May. Turkey season dates are:
- A April 12-18
- B April 19-25
- C April 26-May 2
- D May 3-9
- E May 10-16
- F May 17-31
- Youth season April 12-May 31
- Archery season April 12-May 31
Turkey hunting season dates and other details for 2023 are available on the DNR’s turkey hunting page (
Carlos Avery WMA DNR Mille Lacs WMA Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Minnesota DNR MN DNR Whitewater WMA