Author: WWWI AM

Local Radio

Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZ-DUM for the Day”

–Internet in our pockets makes life an open-book test.–The first person to say the word “cool” must have been “cool” because everyone started saying it.–Humans are the only species that pay to live!–Christmas feels more like a deadline than a holiday.–Taxes are like a subscription to your country that you can’t cancel, no matter how…
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September 7, 2023 0

Lakes Area Chaplaincy 9-7-23

Sergeant Aaron Cronquist of the Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Office and Ron Christenson, Lead Chaplain of Lakes Area Chaplaincy, describe how LAC supports law enforcement officers and staff connected to the Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Office. We also touch upon their need for donations as a non-profit organization.

September 7, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Weird and Wacky Wednesday” 9-6-23 (Two “Boozy” Stories)

–France is about to spend about $216 million destroying nearly 80 million gallons of surplus wine, enough liquid to fill more than 100 Olympic-sized swimming pools, the Washington Post reported. The problem is that higher production costs and shrinking demand for the stuff have made it impossible for French wineries to sell their spiked grape…
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September 6, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 9-5-23

Six people have been convicted and sentenced in New York for stealing more than $3 million worth of cash, cars, and merchandise in a string of crimes because they repeatedly posted photos of themselves on social media with the stolen goods – sitting in just-stolen cars, holding wads of just-stolen cash, with no mask covering…
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September 5, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Weird and Wacky Wednesday” 8-30-23

When a 64-year-old Australian woman was sent to hospital for brain surgery, neurosurgeon Dr. Hari Priya Bandi was not expecting to pull out a live three inch long parasitic roundworm that wriggled between her forceps. “I’ve only come across worms using my not-so-good gardening skills … I find them terrifying and this is not something…
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August 30, 2023 0

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota – Foster Grandparents and Senior Companions Needed 8-29-23

Carolyn Scherer, Program Director of AmeriCorps Seniors and part of the team at Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, tells of the need for volunteers for the Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion programs in the Brainerd Lakes Area.

August 29, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 8-29-23

Recently, Lauderdale County Deputies in Alabama conducted a traffic stop on Hwy 157 just north of Underwood. It was determined that the driver, Timothy Nolen, age 45, had a revoked license. His vehicle was to be impounded per policy. During the incident, though, Nolen kept mentioning the hamburger sitting in his car, and how hungry…
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August 29, 2023 0