Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUMB for the Day”
–Food doesn’t really go ‘bad’, technically something just starts eating it before you do. –When I drive with my left hand, the lives of the people in my car are held by something I can’t even write my name with. –A zombie outbreak could be prevented if people were buried with their shoelaces tied together.…
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Northland Arboretum 4-13-23
Candice Zimmermann, Executive Director of the Northland Arboretum, reminds us of all the great activities and events coming up at the Arb and describes the benefits of membership there.
Mid-Minnesota Builders Association 4-11-23
Colleen Faacks, Executive Officer of the Mid-Minnesota Builders Association and Rich and Jodi Erkens, owners of AVX (Audio Video Extremes), talk about the rewarding experience of working together with the ultimate goal of business success!
Life Hack for the Week 4-10-23
MONDAY’S: “Life Hack for the Week”: Sports Life Hacks You Need to Know –You should rub liniment on sore and strained muscles. Some say use “horse liniment,” but there’s debate as to the safety to humans. I say use a liniment which is meant for human use, like the stuff you might find at your…
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Lakes Jam 2023 Preview
General Manager of Lakes Jam, Ken Lacy and Director of Partnerships with Lakes Jam, Hopper, give us a preview of Lakes Jam 2023 celebrating their 10th Anniversary in Brainerd June 22-24!
REHT (Rotary Ends Human Trafficking) Music & Camping Festival 2023 Preview
Heather Kelm, Secretary of the Brainerd Noon Rotary Club and Susan Bricker from the Central Lakes Rotary Club in Pequot Lakes give us a preview of the REHT (Rotary Ends Human Trafficking) Music & Camping Festival coming up July 28-29, 2023 at the Lakes Music & Events Park near Pine River, MN.
Brainerd Lakes Area Representative of District 6B Josh Heintzeman
Brainerd Lakes Area Representative of District 6B, Josh Heintzeman, joins us to provide the latest on what is happening in the Minnesota Legislature and how it’s affecting the Brainerd Lakes listening area.