Let’s Talk About It-4/6/23
Rainy River men’s basketball coach Bill Engel was in studio to talk about his recent 500 mile bike ride in the Longhorn 500.
Local Radio
Rainy River men’s basketball coach Bill Engel was in studio to talk about his recent 500 mile bike ride in the Longhorn 500.
The new Veterans Lodge is now open at Backus in room 208. Vets from the area should go and check out this place where you can visit and relax with other Vets. Carissa Maclean VSO for Koochiching County talks about this space.
The National Park Service (NPS) will be developing a Frozen Lake Surface Access and Use Plan at Voyageurs National Park and is seeking your input. Since 1979, the NPS has plowed ice roads on Rainy Lake to provide a traditional mode of travel that was established prior to the creation of the park. Ice roads allow…
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The International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board (IRLWWB)’s Water Levels Committee (WLC) established an initial spring regulation plan for Rainy and Namakan Lakes on March 10, 2023. This plan is issued in accordance with a new temporary supplementary Order issued by the International Joint Commission on March 3 which combines the previous high flood risk and standard rule curves for Rainy…
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Ashley Hall from Koochiching County Food Access talks about what is new for the month of March.
Councilman Pete Kalar of International Falls talks about the new space at Backus Community Center and the ties to the Koochiching Warrior Initiative.
The school Board for ISD-363 voted last night to put into motion, the possibility of closing the Indus School in Northern Minnesota. The vote was by a majority of 4-2.
Many anglers removed their fish houses from the ice in advance of last week’s winter storm. People who haven’t yet done so should make plans to meet upcoming deadlines, and all anglers – whether they’re fishing from a shelter or not – should leave only an imprint in the snow or ice when they head…
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INTERNATIONAL FALLS, MN: Voyageurs National Park staff will conduct prescribed burns inselected wetlands in and near Black Bay Narrows, Cranberry Bay, and Alder Creek in Rainy Lakeand Tom Cod, Irwin, and Daley Bays in Kabetogama Lake. Activities include burning floating androoted invasive hybrid cattails as well as other wetland areas to remove dead vegetation, rejuvenatewetland…
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