Category: News

Local Radio

Wild rice harvest underway on White Earth Reservation

Wild Rice Harvest on the White Earth Reservation is now underway and Cliff Crowell from the White Earth Natural Resources Department has an exciting announcement.   Crowell also gave an update on how the Wild Rice Harvest has looked so far this year.  Crowell also gave some tips to wild rice harvesters and also some harvesting…
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September 6, 2023 0

Say Something Event coming to Fosston

Fosston Bethel Assembly will be hosting a Say Something event this fall. This informational event will be on Sunday September 10th. Caleb Munson will share Say Something’s purpose at 6:00 with a free-will donation meal beginning at 5:00. Event spokeswoman Alison Opdahl and Highschool Senior Lena Kutsev were in studio to share a little bit…
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September 6, 2023 0

LPA Elementary Receives State Award

A statewide honor for a regional elementary school.  Lake Park-Audubon received a School of Excellence Award from the Minnesota Elementary School Principals’ Association.  Lake Park-Audubon Principal Craig Bahr tells us what LPA did to earn this award. Bahr admits a school with rising test scores is not common these days. Lake Park-Audubon is one of…
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September 6, 2023 0

Norman County Historical Society At Fun At The Flatlands

One of the featured events at this weekend’s Fun in the Flatlands in Ada is the Pioneer Food Court, set up by the Norman County Historical Society.  Solveig Kitchell, the society’s executive director, tells us what’s cooking. Kitchell says this will also be a fundraiser for the Norman County Historical Society.   Kitchell says so far,…
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September 6, 2023 0

Hillsboro City Commission Meets

HILLSBORO, ND—The Hillsboro City Commission held a regular meeting Tuesday night.  City Commission President Levi Reese says the Commission accepted a grant to help the City with cybersecurity. The Commission also approved the appointment of Kevin Grothman to the City’s planning and zoning commission.  A new agreement on delinquent utility accounts was also approved, which…
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September 6, 2023 0

Mahnomen City Council Recap 

The City of Mahnomen held their September city council meeting last night, and it turned out to be a pretty eventful night. One of the first major agenda items was the preliminary tax levy. Mahnomen Mayor Julie Hanson breaks down the plan for the preliminary levy.  There was also a long discussion and debate about…
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September 6, 2023 0

White Earth Pesticide Investigation 

A message from White Earth regarding the symptoms people are experiencing after the softball game at Ogema days:  The White Earth Pesticide Coordinator is currently investigating to determine the cause of symptoms. If you are experiencing symptoms of eye irritation, please flush your eyes with cool water for about a half hour. Please seek medical…
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September 5, 2023 0

Norman County 4-H Achievement Day for Alumni

The Norman County 4-H will be holding their Achievement Day celebration this Saturday during Fun in the Flatlands. This year Norman County 4-H is “Calling all 4-H Alumni” to participate. Norman County Extension Educator Linda Houglum explains what this means.  Houglum also explained what kind of projects alumni can bring in and a schedule for…
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September 5, 2023 0

Crookston Harvest Festival 

The Crookston Harvest Festival kicks off on Sunday. Alan Dragseth of the Crookston Sugar Beet Museum explains what the Harvest Festival is.  During the Harvest Festival the Crookston Sugar Beet Museum will also be open, and Dragseth shared some of the items that are on display.  Dragseth also laid out the schedule of events.  For…
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September 5, 2023 0

Touchdowns and Turnovers

Dawn Wilcox spoke with Jared Kostiuk about the programs that helps locals with some of the costs associated with Cancer and Cancer treatment.

September 5, 2023 0