Category: News

Local Radio

Red Lake Man Seriously Injured After Being Struck by Vehicle

A Red Lake man received serious injuries after being struck by a vehicle north of Bemidji. According to the Minnesota State Patrol, on August 19th just after 6:00 am, 36 year old Joseph Heyer of Bemidji was driving northbound along Highway 89 in Eckles Township when he struck a pedestrian lying down in the roadway.…
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August 23, 2023 0

Norman County East School Board Recap 

The Norman County East School Board met last night for their monthly meeting – the final meeting before the new school year gets underway. Norman County East Superintendent Rob Nudell said the board approved some updated handbooks. Staff training and an open house will be held next week at Norman County East. SitelogIQ is doing…
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August 23, 2023 0

Ada Police Chief discusses cannabis ordinance 

Ada Police Chief Steve Hager joined us on the latest installment of the KRJB Kaleidoscope. One of the topics he discussed is an update on an Ada cannabis ordinance.  Hager also talked about the increase in cannabis sales and DUI’s that he saw at this year’s WE Fest celebration.  You can listen to the full…
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August 23, 2023 0

Norman County Corn & Soybean Growers Donate To Area Food Shelves

Two food shelves in Norman County got a boost recently from the Norman County Soybean and Corn Growers.  The growers donated meat to the Good Samaritan Food Shelf in Twin Valley and the Norman County Food Shelf in Ada.  Austen Germolus, vice president of the Norman County Soybean and Corn Growers, talks about the donation.…
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August 23, 2023 0

Chautauqua & French-Canadian Metis Festival

A celebration of Native American and French-Canadian culture returns to the region this weekend.  The annual Chautauqua and French-Canadian Metis Festival will be held Saturday and Sunday southwest of Red Lake Falls.  Virgil Benoit, president of the Association of the French of the North (the festival’s sponsors), talks about the festival. Benoit says it’s not…
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August 23, 2023 0

Minnesota Department of Transportation to begin using wireless emergency alerts 

The Minnesota Department of Transportation announced on Monday that they have entered an agreement with the Emergency Management Agency to begin using Wireless Emergency Alerts. Wireless Emergency Alerts use the same system that notify area residents of things like AMBER Alerts and Natural Disasters.  With Wireless Emergency Alerts the Minnesota DoT will now be able…
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August 22, 2023 0

Lane closures expected on eastbound Highway 10 near Hawley and Detroit Lakes 

Drivers can expect lane closures when traveling eastbound on Highway 10 near Hawley and Detroit Lakes according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.  The Minnesota DoT says that crews will be making repairs to the pavement surface which includes milling and paving certain sections of the highway. The Minnesota DoT urges drivers to drive with…
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August 22, 2023 0

Wild Rice Watershed Update 

Tara Jensen of the Wild Rice Watershed joined us on Monday’s Kaleidoscope Program to discuss the August Budget and Levy hearing that was held during their August meeting.  Jensen also gave an update on  the 2022 Audit Proposal and what needs to be done.  Jensen also said that the Wild Rice Watershed recently submitted a…
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August 22, 2023 0

Flom Area Lions holding Annual Pancake Brunch 

The Flom Area Lions Club will be holding their annual Pancake Brunch this Sunday, and all are welcome. Flom Area Lions member Butch Johnson has the details.  Johnson also shared where the proceeds from the Pancake Brunch will go.  Johnson also talked about how their Corn Feed went earlier this month.

August 22, 2023 0

Detroit Lakes Middle School teacher raising money for comfort dog

Detroit Lakes Middle School Special Ed teacher Jessica Johnson has started the process of getting a comfort dog to help out Detroit Lakes students. In the Gofundme description Johnson says that “Having a trained comfort dog in our building would be a great tool in our campus’ mental health toolbox. The dog would come to…
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August 22, 2023 0