Category: News

Local Radio

Clearwater County Fair Schedule

Along with all of the fair excitement Cheryl Grover gives us an update on the schedule for the next few days down at the Clearwater County Fair Grounds. At 6:00 tonight August 4th the fun will begin with the Pickup Pull in the Grandstands and the Rhythm and Ride Horse show in the riding arena.…
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August 4, 2023 0

Updates on FSA Loans in Minnesota

Tiffany Page joins us to explain some updates to FSA loans, specifically with Direct Farm Ownership Loans. There are 3 different types of Direct Ownership Loans- Regular, Down Payment, and Joint Financing. Tiffany gives us an overview of what these loans are and how to know what is best for you. Tiffany explained how to…
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August 4, 2023 0

Train Derailment Near Perham

A railroad crossing near Perham remains closed after a train derailment late Thursday night.  Shortly before midnight on Thursday, August 3rd, the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to a train derailment on the east side of US highway 10 near the intersection of county highway 60 in Gorman Township. There were no injuries…
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August 4, 2023 0

Mahnomen Pot Bust

MAHNOMEN, MN—On Wednesday, August 2, the day before the White Earth Nation began selling recreational marijuana, a large amount of marijuana was seized from a Mahnomen business.  Mahnomen County Sheriff Josh Guenther tells R&J News what happened. The owner of the shop, 53-year-old Todd Thompson, was not arrested.  Guenther says simply belonging to the White…
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August 3, 2023 0

Hundreds Lose Power Thursday Morning

Hundreds of Red River Valley Co-op Power customers lost electricity for a brief time Thursday morning.  Red River Valley Co-op Power CEO Rich Whitcomb tells us what happened. That outage happened during the 11 am hour Thursday.

August 3, 2023 0

Waabigwan Cannabis Dispensary opens in Mahnomen 

The Waabigwan Cannabis dispensary opened its doors on the Morning of Thursday August 3 making it the first legal cannabis dispensary in Mahnomen County. White Earth Nation Chairman Michael Fairbanks speaks about the benefit and importance the dispensary will have for the White Earth Nation.  We also had the chance to catch up with some…
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August 3, 2023 0

Minnesota Department of Public Safety reminds people about cannabis driving laws 

With the legalization of cannabis products happening on August 1, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety wants to remind drivers that driving high is still a DWI.  MN State Patrol Chief Col. Matt Langersaid that “just like with alcohol, anyone opting to consume cannabis needs to plan a safe and sober ride.”  The MDPS reminds…
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August 3, 2023 0

United Way of Cass-Clay holding School Supply Drive 

The United Way of Cass-Clay will be holding a school supply drive for families with students that attend a school in Cass or Clay county. The United Way School Supply Drive kicked off Wednesday but will also be open from 4:30 p.m to 6:00 p.m on Friday, August 4 at the Fargodome. Families are asked…
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August 3, 2023 0

Ada Public Works Update 

Brian Rasmussen joined us on Wednesday’s Kaleidoscope program to discuss what’s been going on in the Ada Public Works department, including an update on some underground work being done.  Rasmussen also discussed the latest front loader bids.   A lot of work has also been going on at the city parks according to Rasmussen. You can…
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August 3, 2023 0

Minnesota DNR announce new deer hunting regulations

The Minnesota DNR has announced new deer hunting rules and regulations that hunters will need to be aware of for the upcoming deer seasons. Barbara Keller with the Minnesota DNR explains some of these new regulations that include a change in their crossbow regulations.  There were also some changes regarding portable hunting stands as well…
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August 3, 2023 0