Category: News

Local Radio

Washout on the Bank of the Mississippi is Getting Fixed

A washout on the bank of the Mississippi in Brainerd is getting fixed, according to the Brainerd city engineer & public works director Jessie Dehn. Dehn spoke at the Brainerd City Council meeting on July 17 and explained there was significant washout along the Fourth Street action of the river. Apparently, a storm sewer outfall failed, causing the washout…
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July 28, 2023 0

Aitkin Receives Grant for Trees

Aitkin received more than $57k to manage community trees through a grant program from the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust. The grant is part of a larger $2.4m allocated to several communities so they can protect their urban forests. The focus of this grant round is to manage Ash trees, which are susceptible to…
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July 28, 2023 0

Community Input Needed

The Aitkin School Board would like community input to help develop a new strategic plan for the district. During the July 17 meeting, Board members discussed ways to make that happen. A survey is available at for people to give their feedback. The Board needs a committee in place before the September 12 strategic…
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July 28, 2023 0

Federal Government Request Approval

The federal government has approved a request for a major disaster declaration affecting 23 counties in Minnesota, including Aitkin and Morrison. Governor Tim Walz made the announcement on July 21. The request was made in response to a series of severe storms and flooding in April. Quick snowmelt and high snow packs in April led…
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July 28, 2023 0

Crow Wing County Transit System Changes

A wheelchair-bound man who relies on the Crow Wing County transit system to get to medical appointments in Brainerd spoke to the Crow Wing County Board Tuesday, asking them to reconsider plans to reduce routes in the wider county. As of August 1, county buses will no longer service Crow Wing County residents who live…
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July 28, 2023 0

Head On Crash At Ideal Township

A head-on crash in Ideal Township Tuesday night sent three people to the hospital. The Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Office responded to the crash site. During their investigation they found that one of the drivers, Pine River resident Ana Vilarreal, crossed the center line while heading around a curve and struck an oncoming vehicle. The…
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July 28, 2023 0

Nathan Peterson checks in with the weekly FSA Report

By Abby Pearson Nathan is the FSA agent for Clearwater East Polk and Beltrami counties. They are looking for nominations for county committee elections. Each member serves a 3 year terms. Interested farmers and ranchers are encouraged to apply. There are many positions available that the FSA needs to fill quickly. If you currently farm…
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July 28, 2023 0

State Representative Deb Kiel discusses Crop and Livestock Program

Deb Kiel joins the Crop and Livestock Program and checks in with farm conditions. She states rainfall has been very spotty. Sugar beets and Soybeans are looking like they need rain. Heat will likely push the wheat sooner which likely means combines rolling soon.

July 28, 2023 0

FFA and Alumni Meatball Supper Fundraiser

By Abby Pearson The Fosston FFA along with FFA Alumni will have a meatball supper To-Go on Tuesday August 8th from 6:00-8:00 at the Fosston High School Home Ec room. Meals are $15.00 and will include three large meatballs, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn and a dinner roll. The FFA program in Fosston has been…
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July 28, 2023 0

Mahnomen’s National Night Out Plans

MAHNOMEN, MN—Like many communities around the country, Mahnomen will hold a National Night Out on Tuesday, August 1.  Mahnomen County Sheriff Josh Guenther says it will be from 5 to 7 pm at the Mahnomen High School at the southeast lot on First Street South. Mahnomen County Social Services will also be there with information. …
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July 28, 2023 0