Category: News

Local Radio

Ada Bike Rodeo Wednesday

Kids in Ada will be riding their bikes after school Wednesday in the annual Bike Rodeo from 3 to 5 pm.  Brianna Eggen of the Dekko Center says the rodeo is a great opportunity to remind kids about bicycle safety. Eggen also says people will be checking that the bikes are all in good working…
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May 15, 2023 0

Fosston School Board to meet on Monday, May 15th

Fosston School District #601 will be holding its regular monthly school board meeting on Monday, May 15th beginning at 7:00 pm in the High School Conference Room. Items on the personnel agenda include a letter of retirement from Sandra Drellack as Elementary Lead Custodian and a letter of retirement from Theresa Anderson as a custodian…
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May 15, 2023 0

City of Twin Valley Cleanup Day

Cleanup day for the City of Twin Valley will be on Thursday, May 18th. Twin Valley Mayor Michael Bolton encourages city residents to take advantage of the opportunity to do some cleanup around your property. Again, cleanup day for the City of Twin Valley is Thursday, May 18th. Go to the City of Twin Valley…
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May 15, 2023 0

Heartland Trail

At this week’s Glyndon City Council meeting, there was discussion about the Heartland Trail with a representative from Clay County.  Glyndon Mayor Tracy Tollefson tells us what the Heartland Trail is. Tollefson says the discussion was about how Glyndon can offer support for the Heartland Trail.  No action was taken by the Council..

May 15, 2023 0

Landmark Center Update

The Halstad City Council got some good news about the Landmark Center at this week’s Council meeting.  Mayor Darin Johnson shares the news. Johnson says there has also been some interest from a personal trainer about teaching classes at the Landmark Center.

May 15, 2023 0

ABW Music Department Adds Ukuleles

The Ada-Borup-West School music department will have some new instruments next year. Superintendent Aaron Cook says these aren’t replacements for current instruments…or even new technology. Tanya Kemper is a music teacher in the Ada-Borup-West school system.

May 15, 2023 0

Child severely injured in Beltrami County dog attack

Beltrami County Deputies say a 3-year old was attacked by a dog while the mother and child were playing in the yard and a dog came into their yard and attacked the child. On Thursday, May 11th at approximately 9:42 am, Beltrami County Deputies, Leech Lake Tribal Police and Leech Lake Ambulance were dispatched to…
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May 15, 2023 0

Hawley 6th grade to have High School preview day

Hawley, MN – The 6th grade students and 7th grade students will swap spots for a day at the Hawley School, to give the 6th graders a preview of what’s to come next fall.  Hawley Elementary Principal Chris Ellingson explains. The day swap will be Tuesday for the students.

May 14, 2023 0

Ulen Hitterdal School Needing Roof Repairs

Ulen, MN – The Ulen Hitterdal School will be repairing leaks on their roof.  The school board approved the repairs at the meeting this week according to Superintendent Dustin Flaten. The repairs will occur this summer. 

May 14, 2023 0

Hillsboro Seniors Scholarship awards over $123,000

Hillsboro, ND – Last week, the Hillsboro Kiwanis gave away their Annual Book Awards to the graduating Seniors, and also, Hillsboro Dollars for Scholars gave away over $123,000 in Scholarships as well.  Graduation for the class of 2023 in Hillsboro will be on Sunday May 28th at 2pm.

May 14, 2023 0