Category: News

Local Radio

Emerald Ash Borer Makes It Way to Northwest Minnesota

Minnesota — The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) recently confirmed the presence of emerald ash borer (EAB) in Clay County for the first time. There are now 39 counties in the state, including Clay, with EAB. A Moorhead city forester found evidence of EAB while pruning trees. The tree had visible woodpecker damage and when…
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March 8, 2023 0

Hillsboro City Commission Holds Public Hearing on Discuss Possible Condemnation of “Chicken Scratch Bakery” Property

Hillsboro, ND — The Hillsboro City Commission held a public hearing on Monday night at the Main Street Community Center to discuss the condemnation proceedings for Chicken Scratch Bakery Property at 13 South Main Street. The commission has been working back and forth with the property for the past two years to fix the issues…
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March 8, 2023 0

Ada City Council Sets Spring Clean Up; Discusses Dekko Maintenance Needs

Ada, MN — The Ada City Council held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday night, March 7th at the Council Chambers. At the meeting, the council discussed the annual spring city-wide clean up with Al’s Disposal. Ada City Administrator Ashley Larson says plans are in place for the first week in May. To keep things…
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March 8, 2023 0

Community feedback leads to new layout options for Highway 169 Garrison

BAXTER, Minn. –The Minnesota Department of Transportation has revised project concepts for improvements on Highway 169 in response to input from Garrison’s residents and businesses. The updated layout considers changes to the proposed concept that addresses what the MnDOT project team heard during the Nov. 30th, 2022, public meeting. The new concept shifts the proposed roundabout…
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March 7, 2023 0

Bagley High Baseball Field To Be Named After Long-Time Coach

BAGLEY, MN—At Monday night’s Bagley School Board meeting, the Board heard a request to rename the high school baseball field.  Bagley Superintendent Dr. Erich Heise explains. There’s no word when a renaming ceremony would take place.

March 7, 2023 0

Fosston FFA Alumni Meeting Sunday

FOSSTON, MN—A year ago, an FFA Alumni and Supporters Organization was set up in Fosston.  This coming Sunday, the Fosston FFA Alumni and Supporters Organization will meet again.  Tim Johnson is the spokesman for the group. Johnson says there are similar groups around Minnesota and the country. He goes on to say that groups like…
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March 7, 2023 0

Show Colon Cancer Awareness Support by going ‘Blue’

Throughout March, Cuyuna Regional Medical Center’s entrance will be lit blue as part of Colorectal Cancer Awareness to educate area residents about the importance of colorectal cancer screening and show support for patients, survivors, and caregivers. The blue lights provide a platform to bring attention to the nation’s second leading cause of cancer deaths in…
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March 7, 2023 0

Help MnDOT invest state highway funding wisely

MnDOT is updating the 20-Year Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan and we are looking for your feedback!  During the first round of public engagement for the plan, Minnesota state highway users provided their priorities for spending on the state highway system over the next 20 years. MnDOT used that information to develop a draft investment…
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March 7, 2023 0

DNR Conservation Officer Reports for District 9 (Brainerd area)

District 9 – Brainerd area Last updated: 2023-03-06 CO Chelsey Best (Pequot Lakes) took enforcement action this week for no fishing licenses and careless operation of a snowmobile. Ice shelters were documented for the upcoming removal deadline. CO Eric Sullivan (Brainerd) reports anglers in the area transitioned to targeting sunfish, crappies and eelpout this past week.…
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March 7, 2023 0