City of Ada Reminds Visitors of Rules and Guidelines for Ada Cemetery
Ada, MN — This Memorial Day weekend, many will make the trip to the Ada Cemetery to take in the avenue of flags and pay respects to their loved ones that have passed. However, Ada Parks and Recreation Director Brianna Eggen notes that there are rules and guidelines to follow for those that plan to leave something behind.
While it is allowed in the old section and first addition, no individual may plant trees, plants, shubs, or place fences or artificial flowers in the second or third addition of the cemetery. Maps and complete rules are available on the Ada City website or in the cemetery gazebo.
Eggen also asks that visitors be courteous of the mowing crews when leaving items behind.
And thanks to the help of a local Eagle Scout, Eggen says there have been a couple of nice improvements to the cemetery this year as well.

The Ada Legion and VFW members are looking for help with the Avenue of Flags this weekend. Volunteers interested in putting up flags can meet at the cemetery on Saturday morning at 9am and those interested in taking them down can meet Monday at 6pm. The times could change depending on the weather.