COMPAS Presents: Willow Brae

COMPAS Presents: Willow Brae

September 2, 2024 News News -- KSDM-KGHS 0

COMPAS is an arts education nonprofit that puts creativity in the hands of Minnesotans, regardless of their age, background, or skills. Based in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metro area, COMPAS teaching artists deliver creative experiences and arts programming across Minnesota. We had the chance to speak to with Katie Schmieg, who is in charge of bringing the talent COMPAS works with to the Arrowhead area.

Katie talked some more about her work and how she primarily focuses on libraries.

She was then asked about COMPAS and its big goal as an organization.

Then, Katie talked about past seasons of artists visiting the Arrowhead region libraries.

And then about future seasons.

Katie then shared her own favorites of the artists she’s seen.

So where can people go to let COMPAS know about the artists they want to have come to their local libraries?

Katie also hopes that this brings more attention to libraries not just here in your local region but all over the state of Minnesota.

So thank your librarian, and as Katie says.

One such act who was touring for this season is Willow Brae, the musical duo of Laura and Andrea who were sharing Celtic music with the region. Laura was first asked how she came to play Irish and Scottish music.

She even had plenty of experience in playing Celtic music before joining Andrea to form Willow Brae.

Andrea was then asked about Willow Brae, and how the found their start.

As well as how Andrea got her start in playing music.

She then talked a little more about the educational aspect of their library performances.

Then, she was asked about how long they had been performing together as Willow Brae.

Andrea also mentions Laura’s expertise with instruments, so Laura was asked about the different types that she knows to play.

Andrea was then asked if they do a lot of these tours, and if she has a favorite.

Laura also shares her hopes for what the audience will take away from these library performances, and gives us an example of some of the educational facts they could learn.

Andrea also mentions what she believes people enjoys the most from them.

Laura was then asked her favorite part about performing.

As well as if she has a favorite pavilion to perform at.

She also shares why she believes people enjoy their shows so much.

So be sure to catch one of Willow Brae’s performances before their tour ends, and go to the COMPAS website and see what other artists they have to offer for performing at your local library.