Cuyuna Fire and Police Departments present checks to C-I Special Education, Special Olympics from patch fundraisers
By Paul Vold (7/1/22)
(Cuyuna, MN) — Earlier this week, the Cuyuna Fire and Police Departments presented a pair of $1,000 checks as part of their Patch of the Month fundraisers.
One Tuesday, June 28th, a check was presented to the Crosby-Ironton Special Education Program and teacher Brittany Barutt, and the other check was given to Crosby-Ironton Special Olympics programs and teacher Bryan Syrstad. Funds were raised from selling fire and police “Autism Awareness” and “Down Syndrome Awareness” patches.
On hand to present the checks were Cuyuna Fire Chief Karl Hasskamp and firefighter Jake Kewatt, and Cuyuna Police Chief Jesse Smith.