DNR Conservation Officer Reports – District 10 (Mille Lacs Area)

District 10 – Mille Lacs area
Last updated: 2022-10-10
CO Gregory Verkuilen (Garrison) checked hunting activity that included trespassing complaints and reports of duck hunting during the split-season break. Aquatic invasive species were monitored as dock and lift removal was going strong.
CO Victoria Griffith (Isle) spent time checking waterfowl and game hunters. Nuisance-animal complaints were followed up on. Griffith assisted with a firearms safety class. Enforcement action was taken for transporting a loaded firearm in a motor vehicle, hunting without a license, driving after revocation, and failure to display current registration on an ATV.
CO Nate Benkofske (McGregor) checked anglers, hunters, and recreational vehicle riders. Enforcement action was taken for unlawful off-highway motorcycle riding, juvenile passengers without helmets, no federal duck stamp, and transporting loaded firearms. Trespassing violations were also looked into.
Wealthwood vacant.
Malmo vacant.
Conservation Officer Reports DNR Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Minnesota DNR MN DNR