DNR Conservation Officer Reports – District 9 (Brainerd area)

CO Eric Sullivan (Brainerd) reports the snowmobile trails in the area saw a tremendous amount of activity over the holiday weekend. Fishing pressure was moderate as ice conditions are variable. A large permanent shelter was partially submerged on Gull Lake due to thin ice. Enforcement action was taken for snowmobile and ATV registration violations, angling without a license, extra lines and no shelter license.
CO Andrew Dirks (CCSRA) and COC Ryan Christensen spent the week checking snowmobilers and ice anglers. A detail was worked over New Year?s weekend in the BWCA for the BWCA trout opener. Enforcement action included snowmobile registration violations and license violations.
CO Jim Guida (Brainerd East) worked ice angling, snowmobiling, and cross-country skiing. Guida wrapped up his field training of COC Ulrich. Enforcement work was done in the Osseo station, where Ulrich will be stationed. Numerous enforcement contacts were experienced this week including angling with extra lines, no license in possession, unattended lines, tip-ups greater than 200 feet away, shelter information display and shelter licenses. Work was also done on snowmobile patrol, addressing numerous registration violations. Reports of trespassing and off-trail travel were also received.
CO Calie Cook (Crosslake) spent time checking snowmobile riders and ice anglers throughout the week. Cook also attended the fur-trapping registration station in Brainerd. Enforcement action was taken for various trapping violations.
Pine River vacant.
Brainerd area Brainerd East Crosslake Cuyuna Country SRA District 9 DNR Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Minnesota DNR MN DNR Pine River