Former Lake Park School Property to be Developed into New Housing

Former Lake Park School Property to be Developed into New Housing

September 19, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Lake Park, MN — A housing boom appears to be on the horizon for the City of Lake Park. At last week’s Lake Park City Council, EPIC Properties, a housing developer who own the former Lake Park High School property, pitched their plans to develop new housing on the site. Lake Park City Administrator Lonnie Nuener says the council approved the variances which will allow for dozens of new homes and apartment units to be built at a time when housing is in short supply in the city.

The Lake Park City Council also had some brief discussions about the future of the city pool, which was closed this year as it was in need of serious repair. Nuener says they may look into a splash park as an alternative, but that too is costly venture.

And it appears the outdoor skating rink may be back up and running this winter. Nuener notes that they were approached by a local community organization about its possible return.

You can find the Lake Park Betterment Committee on Facebook for more information on their upcoming events.